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Streamline your operations for peak performance with the guidance of our advisors.

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Struggling with Delivery&Ops?

Lack of clear strategy

You have difficulty identifying and prioritizing business development opportunities effectively.

Ineffective Lead Generation

You are struggling to generate quality leads can hinder growth and revenue potential.

Weak Networking

You are failing to build and maintain strong relationships with potential clients.

Difficulty in Navigating Complex Sales Cycles

You are managing long and intricate sales cycles that lead to delays and missed opportunities for revenue generation.

Limited Brand Awareness

You are having difficulties attracting new clients and compete effectively with established competitors.

Unclear Project Progress

You are struggling to determine the current status of projects, leading to uncertainty and potential delays.

Risk of Missed Deadlines

You are experiencing client dissatisfaction and financial penalties because of inadequate project tracking.

Difficulty in Resource Allocation

You are struggling to allocate resources effectively, facing overallocation or underutilization of personnel and assets. 

Poor Quality Control

You are often overlooking quality control measures, leading to deliverables that do not meet client expectations and requirements. 

Risk of Customer Attrition

You fail to identify and address issues that may lead to dissatisfaction and eventual loss of clients..

Limited Opportunity for Improvement

You are struggling to pinpoint areas for improvement in products or services, potentially hindering long-term growth and success.

Difficulty in Retaining Clients

You are finding it hard to build and maintain strong relationships with clients.

Negative Impact on Reputation

You are having difficulties attracting new clients because of dissatisfied customers sharing their negative experiences with others.

Risk of Unidentified Financial Loss

You are unaware of potential financial losses, hindering your ability to optimize project profitability.

Lack of Insights into Cost Efficiency

You are overall profitability is negatively impacted by failing to track financial losses per project.

Budget Management Challenges

You fail to accurately forecast and manage project budgets, which leads to potential overspending and financial strain.

Missed Opportunities for Improvement

You miss the opportunity to identify and address issues contributing to financial losses, which hinders your long-term growth and success.

Team doesn’t measure the marginality of projects

Without a clear understanding of which projects contribute most effectively to your bottom line, it's challenging to make informed decisions about resource allocation, investment priorities, and overall business strategy.
By identifying high-margin opportunities and optimizing resource allocation accordingly, we empower your business to maximize returns and drive sustainable growth.

Not sure what are clients’ plans for at least 3 month ahead?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the IT industry, having clear visibility into your clients' plans and objectives is crucial for building strong, long-term partnerships and delivering value-added solutions. However, the challenge of uncertainty regarding clients' plans for at least three months ahead can hinder your ability to align your services effectively and anticipate their needs.
We understand the importance of strategic planning and offer comprehensive advisory services to help you navigate this challenge with confidence. Our seasoned advisors specialize in facilitating strategic conversations and developing actionable plans that enable you to proactively address your clients' evolving requirements and stay ahead of the curve.

Lack of the information on how well team uses the resources it has

Efficient utilization of resources is paramount for the success and sustainability of any IT business. However, the challenge of lacking comprehensive information on how well your team utilizes its resources can impede your ability to optimize productivity, control costs, and maximize profitability.

We recognize the significance of resource optimization and offer tailored solutions to address this challenge head-on. Our team of seasoned advisors specializes in implementing robust frameworks and tools designed to provide clarity and insights into resource utilization patterns, enabling you to make informed decisions and drive operational excellence.

There is not enough (or none) referral clients

Building a robust client base through referrals is a testament to the quality of your services and the strength of your relationships. However, the challenge of insufficient or nonexistent referral clients can limit your growth potential and hinder your ability to tap into new markets and opportunities.

We understand the importance of leveraging referrals as a powerful driver of business growth and offer tailored strategies to overcome this challenge. Our team of experienced advisors specializes in developing comprehensive referral client expansion strategies designed to amplify your reach, cultivate relationships, and drive sustainable business growth.

Struggling with Delivery&Ops?

Business Development Limitations include:
- Undefined development strategy- Project Health is not tracked- The team doesn’t measure the marginality of a project
Focusing on these elements ensures that business development efforts are more effective and aligned with growth objectives, leading to better market positioning, increased client engagement, and a stronger foundation for future expansion.

No visibility of clients’ feedback includes:
- Not sure what Customer Satisfaction Level is- Not sure what are the clients’ plans for at least three months ahead- There are not enough (or none) referral clients
Without addressing these aspects your team can't be sure that client feedback is visible and actionable. But the work on it leads to better client relationships, improved services, and increased client retention.

No control over resources include:
- The team doesn’t measure how much money is lost per project- Lack of information on how well the team uses the available resources- Dealing with “Money drains” and poor budget planning
These key problem aspects underscore the importance of proactive management and strategic decision-making in achieving financial health and operational excellence.

Human resources problems include:
- Key employees leave the company- The hiring process gets tough and it’s hard to find good executives- There are no clear areas of responsibility between employees
By addressing these human resources challenges proactively, organizations can enhance employee satisfaction, attract top talent, and foster a culture of accountability and productivity.

No visibility over processes include:
- Hard to see a general picture while concentrating on operational work- Lack of a built-in system of metrics and KPIs, according to which the founder or C-level of the organization can analyze and identify problem areas in the organization- A large number of tools that aren’t synchronized with each other
By addressing these aspects, organizations can gain better visibility over their processes, leading to improved efficiency, reduced errors, and enhanced overall performance.

Poor management includes:
- Lack of management structure in all departments- Cooperation between delivery, sales, marketing, and other teams is not configured- The founder is involved in solving specific issues
By focusing on these areas, organizations can mitigate the challenges associated with poor management, leading to improved employee engagement, enhanced productivity, and sustainable organizational growth.

Unstable processes include:
- Lack of systematicity in internal processes- Operational strategy is not planned for a year ahead- Clients drop off suddenly and unexpectedly
By focusing on these areas, organizations can stabilize processes, enhance operational efficiency, and mitigate the risks associated with instability, ultimately leading to improved performance and sustainable growth.

Meet Delivery advisors who will help


Denys Rudenko

SEO of YalantisDen is an expert in direct management of delivery operations and business development with over 13 years of experience.

Den helps companies prepare for a scale, build teams, plan delivery budgets, and get visibility across all operations. He believes that in 80% of cases, the issue lies not with people but with processes.


Mykhailo Vyshynskyi

Digital business models are mainly based on data exchanges, which are now a background for running a digital business. Our team of expert engineers will successfully plan the deployment of your appliance.


Our Company provides a vast range of services and capabilities, and a high level of competence to individuals and business owners.

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● Planning and implementation of Revenue plans
● Setting up a framework for customer satisfaction
● Setting up the framework of up-sells and cros-sells (including CSATs and NPSs)
● Сlaims management development
● Delivery development
● Dashboard setup (compliance settings by departments)
● Job descriptions development
● Setting up areas of responsibility according to the organizational structure

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● Management of portfolios in the organization
● Project management in the organization
● Development and Improvement of Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin
● Operational strategy● Utilization

Our creative and experienced Company is proud to provide professional web development and mobile application services. We have a team of award-winning web designers and developers passionate about creating something special for each client. We aim to make useful innovative products which are easy to use, look great, and work really well.

How to Involve an Advisor


Describe the need

We have a call with you to learn the details of the company and the request.It helps us make a better match with each unique case
We consider the industry, market, type of product or service, company scale, and many more.


Meet a relevant hand-selected Advisor

We set an intro meeting with the relevant advisor.
Be sure that they match relevant expertise, the domain, and the portfolio of successful projects.
Need someone else? Not a problem. We'll consider your feedback and meet you with another Advisor.


Get advised and reach the goals

Set a target goal to be on the same page with the Advisor 
Build a schedule with the meetings, choose activities, do your homework and meet again.
Call them, write them — Advisors are there for your success. 

How Advisory Boards helped companies succeed

Read the success stories of our customers to find out why so many companies choose us.

Amanda Peterson

Marketing Director at Fresh Food Co.

“I was happy to work with Quantum because their efficient solutions helped us improve plenty of business processes. As a result, our clients receive their products faster and are more satisfied with our services. They deserve the highest grade!”

December 15, 2021

Jeff Gordons

CEO at Clear Thinking

“Our company started to work with Quantum 4 years ago. We had only positive experience and implemented a lot of projects together. We’re totally satisfied and now we know that we can rely on Quantum experts any time.”

October 28, 2021

Elizabeth Smith

Director of Media at Legal Company

“Quantum is a reliable and professional company that applies high technology and creates exclusive programs for the clients. We highly appreciate this approach and will definitely continue our fruitful cooperation with them.”

October 28, 2021


  • Why choose Wiseboard?

    We streamline the process of sourcing and acquiring top-notch advisors by removing any associated risks, difficulties, and expenses. We have deep knowledge of the advisor market results from our experiences in related roles.

    Additionally, our extensive network gives us exclusive access to a broad range of highly qualified experts. We strive to ensure that our clients are matched with the most suitable advisors to tackle their specific challenges, and we provide ongoing support throughout the advisory process.

  • Who are the advisors that are part of Wiseboard?

    Advisors at Wiseboard — experienced business leaders and entrepreneurs with a proven track record of success in their respective fields. They may come from various industries and have expertise in sales, marketing, operations, product management, etc. They’re often in full-time employment but can provide support on a flexible, hourly basis around their day jobs.

  • How is the advisor selection process carried out?

    Our advisor selection process involves a three-stage assessment procedure. It includes a review of their experience and industry knowledge, an in-depth interview to verify their experience and expertise, and collecting background references.

    We ensure that only exceptional advisors are selected for Wiseboard. This thorough selection process may take up to 2 weeks to complete, but it's worth ensuring we find the best fit for our clients.

  • What can I expect from Wiseboard?

    The support and guidance you receive from advisors will depend on your business's specific goals and needs. However, you can generally expect expert advice and guidance on various topics, such as developing and implementing practical business strategies, improving your sales and marketing efforts, and navigating economic downturns.

  • How long does it take to see results from Wiseboard?

    The time it takes to see advisor results will vary depending on your business's specific goals and needs. However, you can expect positive results quickly with the right expert advisors and a clear plan.

  • How much does a Wiseboard subscription cost?

    It depends on how many hours you need and which advisors you pick. The price for top-notch advisors usually starts around $1,500-2,000 a month, but it could be more or less depending on the time you need them for and how long you want them around.

  • Is there a minimum contract period?

    We have a minimum contract period of 3 months. It takes time for the advice to implement and for the benefits to realize. A minimum contract period of 3 months ensures the client has enough time to see the results of the Advisor's advice and make any necessary adjustments to their business strategy.

    But we’ve found that clients benefit most from engaging an Advisor for 6-12 months. We can also offer preferential pricing for clients who want to commit for 12 months or more.

  • Who do we have a contract with?

    Your contract and billing relationship will be with Wiseboard. We'll invoice you each month based on the agreed advisor rate and the number of hours in the package.

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